Sunday, May 6, 2012

One month down.

So, we've been in Nashville for a month now and we are getting adjusted. It's been hot. But apparently it's only going to get worse, so... I might die. I used to hate when I would complain about heat in California and people would say "at least it's a dry heat." it would drive me NUTS... I totally get it now. Dry heat is so much better then humid, wet heat. So we have been staying indoors most of the time. Between the heat and the bugs, we can't hangout outside much yet. We did go to a pretty awesome park one day when it wasn't TOO hot. The locals call it dragon park. That's probably because it has a giant mosaic dragon statue that people climb all over. It really was quite beautiful. It also had some really nice playground areas and this cool tunnel the kids loved. And lots of shade. Thank god! It's on Blakemoore in Nashville across from Vanderbilt hospital if you are ever in the area with kiddos! I recommend it. But not when it's too hot.
Anyway, it's hot and the bugs are eating me alive, but I'm still liking it here. It's pretty and people are so nice and helpful. I've had 2 neighbors being us food, which I don't think I've ever had happen in Cali. And the thunderstorms are awesome. We had one today and the thunder was so loud, it sounded like cannons going off outside our door. To be honest I was terrified at the time, but since it happened a few hours ago, it's cool. And the lightening has been something else. Usually we just see flashes in the sky, but today we saw huge, actual bolts of lightening. It was way cool. Also, lightening bugs! They are fun to watch.
My inlaws are in town, and they stayed home with the kids last night and Brad and I got to go out for a while. It was nice and much needed. We saw Josh Turner, who was playing in the Opry Mills Mall parking lot for the grand reopening party for the mall! (that whole area was destroyed by the Nashville flood 2 years ago and just reopened.) And we went to Dave and Busters. It was a lot of fun! We played some games and had a drink. Nothing fancy, but it was fun.
Overall, we are doing well! The band is doing great, and has some pretty awesome things coming up! So stay tuned!

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