Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Keeper of the Keys

With everything going on in my life, I haven't gotten a chance to talk about this, but it is something that has been heavy in my heart and mind for a few days now. A friend from High School gave birth to a beautiful baby boy on Sunday. Throughout her pregnancy she called the baby Wyatt, but upon meeting the little man she felt that Kai was a much better fit for him. And I would have to agree. He was perfect and beautiful, but on Tuesday, God had other plans for him, and called him back up to heaven. Kai means "keeper of the keys" and even with such a short time on this earth he holds the keys to many, many hearts.
I can't imagine the pain that Whitney must be feeling, or how she can even begin to think about what to do next with her life. Another friend made the statement that "Kai was too extraordinary for this world." I have to believe that. He was just too good, and too perfect for this world, and is in a better place.
A few of Whitney's close friends have started a fundraiser to help during the unimaginably difficult time. If you are able to donate a couple if dollars, here is the link

Hold your loved ones close. Never take a moment for granted. You never know what's going to happen next week, tomorrow, or even 5 minutes from now. Everyone matters, and every life makes an impact. No matter how short.

In loving memory of sweet Kai.

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