Saturday, February 11, 2012

Hearts for Carter.

When I was pregnant with Thing 2, I joined an online Birth Club of women who were pregnant, and due in March of 2011. We chatted throughout our pregnancies. From just finding out we were pregnant, through the morning sickness, finding out what we we were having, big bellies, our babies being born, and now almost the first year of out babies lives. One of our "Marchies" has been battling Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Cancer. He was in remission for  while, but now its back. And it's bad. Here is part of the most recent update on Carter's condition from the blog

Carter has gone into relapse and has a brain tumor. They were able to remove over 50% of it. But there are also other tuners wrapping around his spine that cannot be removed. They will try chemo. But the issue with that is they are afraid he will not survive long enough to get chemo. They have to wait for him to heal from brain surgery in order to do chemo. We have been told that he could pass at any time, or in weeks.

I can't imagine what this family is going though. And even thinking about this little boy, the same age as my son, and everything he has been though brings me to tears. A few of the other "March Moms" have organized  fundraiser to help Carter's family, in whatever little way we can. Bracelets with "Hearts for Carter" are being sold here:
The bracelets are $5 and all of the proceeds go to Carter's family. 
Going to snuggle my babies now.


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