Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Current Events. The important ones.

Meatball Problems! 

One of the things I hated most in school was current events. I would always forget and would be trying to swipe a newspaper from the library during break so I could throw one together real quick. If Mr. Sturtevant would have considered the things that I find important as true current events that may have been a much different story.

     A few months ago it was rumored that Snooki was pregnant, but she denied it pretty adamantly. Around the time these rumors surfaced she was a guest on (one of my favorites) Andy Cohen's Watch What Happens Live, which features a drinking game every night, and she was NOT drinking. She said it was because she was on a diet (She did look AMAZING) but, I was suspicious. I just didn't buy Snooks not drinking for that reason. But, now it is being reported that she IS in fact expecting a Mini Snooki! Or Mini Jionni.
     People are already tearing her apart for this, and I think that is SO sad. She is a character from a TV show. Yes, it is "reality tv", but that doesn't mean that it is real. I am SURE that all of those people play a part to make that show entertaining. It is probably based on her actual life, but it is TV, and is edited, and made to entertain people. And even if that is exactly how she acts in real life, who is to say that she will be a terrible mother because of it? I know that there are lots of parents out there that partied, drank, had a good time, and yes, probably acted like a moron before they were parents. If being young and dumb and partying disqualifies you from having kids then I think that the human race would die out pretty quick.
 So....... CONGRATS Snooki!!!

Another, extremely important current event, that wouldn't have counted in school, is MTV has given the green light for TEEN MOM 3!! We don't know who will be on it yet, but I am always excited for a new season of Teen mom drama! They say that they will NOT be any of the girls from season 3 of 16 and pregnant. Maybe because half of the baby daddies are in jail, and at least one of them is expected of getting pregnant just for the show. (Teen pregnancy has been way way down since this show started, so even if this one moron, DID get pregnant for the show, it seems that overall this show is having a positive impact, and is not glamorizing teen pregnancy like many people have said it does) Some of the OG Teen Moms, are already jealous about this, and not ready to welcome newbies into their ranks. Teen Mom 2 ended yesterday,  but SOOO much has happened since that follow up show was filmed. So I will do my best to give a quick follow-up, follow-up.

Jenelle- Still being Jenelle. No More Kieffer, I think he is still in jail but not totally 100 percent on that. Her new boyfriend is a Marine, and he should be making an permanence in the next season of Teen Mom 2, which has already been at least halfway filmed. Apparently he failed to get permission from the Marine Corps before he filmed, so he got into some trouble for that
                                                          Jenelle and her new boyfriend Gary Head

Kail- She is the Teen Mom that I hear the least about, but I think she has a new boyfriend. She is who actually bailed Jenelle out of jail when she was arrested with Kieffer, but Jenelle has not paid her back and Kail isn't happy about it. 

                          This obviously isn't Kail, but Jo was arrested a while back when he was found with weed..And I thought it was funny.

Chelsea- Hopefully she has finally moved on from Adam. She has been spending a lot of time with Daniel from Caged on MTV. She went to Mardi Gras and hung out with him, and he went to South Dakota this past weekend to hangout with her and Aubree. He seems like a nice guy, and they are super cute together, so I hope that that works out. She needs a good country boy. She has also completed her GED and has started beauty school!
 Chelsea and her MMA fighter "Friend" Caged's Golden Boy Daniel Payne

Leah- The follow up special kinda gave viewers hope that Lean and Corey would get back together, but they did not. Leah is now engaged to another guy, Jeremy and they recently had a miscarriage. So sad. :( But she seems to be happy, and Leah's mom really likes him and he is good to the girls, so hopefully that works out, and she doesn't go back and hook up with Robby. She also got jumped at the movie theater a few weeks back by 3 girls who apparently have no life and have to go start stuff with people they don't know. But she is okay, and they found out who the girls who did it were. 

                                                         Leah, the twins, and her new Fiance Jeremy, who I think resembles Cory a lot.

There is supposed to be at least one more season of the original Teen Moms also, but I'm guessing this will be the last one. 

Maci- Has said that she doesn't want to do the show anymore. She just wants Bentley to live a normal life and not be stopped and asked for pictures everywhere he goes. She bought a house with Kyle, and then promptly broke up with him. Ryan has a super cute girlfriend, who is good to Bentley. HottyRyan wrecked his quad over the weekend and messed his back and neck up! But don't fret, he should be just fine.

Caitlin- I think she would do the show forever if they let her. She and Tyler got to see Carly recently, which just thinking about makes me tear up. I watched her 16 and pregnant episode recently and it seems like she thought she would get to see Carly WAY more then she actually gets to. But she goes around speaking abour adoption, and being a birth parent, and has actually been a support system to young girls who have none. She and Ty are getting married this summer! 

Farrah- I don't hear much about her either. Sophia just turned 3! 

Amber- Oh Amber. She got out of jail this week! She had been in there since December, or maybe the end of November. She was found with pills that weren't hers, which violated her probation from her domestic violence charges.  She is supposed to go to rehab, and live in a halfway house for a long time. Like, years. She isn't allowed to film in rehab, or the halfway house, and she is supposed to also get a 9-5 job, (Teen Mom doesn't count) and she isn't allowed to film there either. If she messed up again she will get thrown back into the slammer for 5 years! She had applied to get into a rehab program but was denied, because they feel like she would cause too much of a disturbance to the other people there. So, until she finds a program that will take her, she is at home on house arrest. And technically could be filming, but I don't know if they will do that. Gary has sole custody of Leah. I hope that we will be seeing them next season. As big of a douche as he is, I have always liked him, and I think that he really does care about being a good dad.

That's pretty much all I know about those teen moms. Which I will admit is slightly embarrassing that I do know that much. But whatever, I know that there are other people that secretly care as much as I do. 16 and pregnant will be starting in a few weeks and it looks pretty drama filled. I think that my favorite will be the girl that is upset, and sounds kind of surprised, that she cant do kickboxing anymore. She reminded me of Leah when she "Missed homecomin' week!"

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