Friday, February 24, 2012

Put me in the Zoo

The Zoo is one of my favorite places. I don't know why, but I always love going to the Zoo. Thing 1 is a HUGE animal lover, so she is a great zoo date. We have a membership to the Santa Barbara Zoo which is a small zoo, but pretty much right on the beach and just beautiful. That was $85 well spent. I think everyone with kids (or even people without kids) should get a zoo membership. It's a great, and cheap thing to do on the weekends or when school is out.

We went on Sunday with our friends, the Benard and Byars families and had a great time. Again, it was a little bittersweet because I know that these trips, with these people are very numbered. I didn't even think about it until right now, but that could have been my last time going to the zoo for quite some time... Im going to have to make sure to go back one more time.

Thing 1 and her "boyfriend"

Part of the crew checking out the Gibbons

Cute little monkey

Thing 1 and Thing 2

Once we get to Nashville, I plan on getting us a membership to the Nashville Zoo. I'm not sure if it is a great zoo, or what the locals would say about it. But it has giraffes, which are my favorite, so it can't be that bad right? And there are a few other Zoos and an aquarium that we will have to go visit. There is an "exotic animal petting zoo" that I was kind of excited about, but i'm not sure how exotic this guy is

That looks like a regular old housecat to me. But who knows. Maybe it has some kind of superpowers. We will just have to wait and see I guess.

I just love the redneck-ness of this place. I'm sure it will make for a great day of fun for the King Fam

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