Thursday, February 9, 2012

Reality Roundup

I love Reality TV. My husband hates it (even though I do catch him being interested in certain shows AND he admited that Brandi Glanville was his favorite housewife. I know she's not REALLY a housewife, but I wont burst his bubble) The past couple days have been awesome in Reality TV Land, and I have been having a hard time deciding what to watch first on the Dvr. I'm a dork. I know it. But I ALSO know that there are others out there who secretly feel the same way that I do.

Teen Mom 2

It was a sad week in Teen Mom 2 land! Leah and Cory split up, Kail cheated on Jordan, Jenelle had to quit smoking weed and go to rehab, and Chelsea cried over douchey Adam. Thanks to the Internet and Facebook I know A LOT about these girls. Probably TOO much, but whatever. What's airing now was shot over a year ago, and whole mess of stuff can happen in a year.

Leah is engaged to another guy. Jeremy somthing or another. She was pregnant, but unfortunatley had a miss carriage a couple weeks ago. 

Kail, I dont really hear much about but Jo is trying to be a rap star

Jenelle go arrested 2 times in one week last month, and Kiefaaahhhh is in the slammer.

Chelsea keeps getting back with Adam.

Well, so maybe not a whole lot has changed. But as for the ladies of OG Teen Mom, Amber spent a considerable amount of time in jail, and must go to rehab and stay out of trouble or she will serve 5 years in the slam slam. And Maci and Kyle broke up. Which i'm hoping means Ryan and Maci will get back together and be adorable. 

Real Housewives of Wherever

Did you know!? 25,000!
Real Housewives of Beverly Hills is wrapping up. Most of the drama this season revolved around Taylor and her husband abusing her, and ultimatley taking his life (or was he murdered? hmmmmmm...) There were kids involved, so that makes it sad. I think he did what he did because he knew when the show aired the truth about him would be out. There was also Kim and her crazy drunkeness. Again, just kind of sad! Camille was way less annoying than last season, Kyle still does some weird helicopter hair flip move when she dances, Dana is just ridiculous and trying to make up for, or hide something with her expensive crap, and Brandi, well, I like her too. And I think that her slashing Eddie Cibrian's tires was totally justified.

But, even better than that. The First Ladies of Bravo have returned. The Real Housewives of Orange County! Even though only 1 of them is a TRUE OG, it is the original, and by far the best. I already forsee quite a bit of drama. I don't think that Gretchen and Tamara can EVER be friends. But it will be fun to see them attempt it. Alexis is the one I am excited to see this season. She is the fakest of them all, and I will like to see her try to hang with the real version of what she wants to be.

Dance Moms

Now, this show is just crazy, and makes me terrified that I am the mother of a child who wants to take Ballet lessons. If you haven't seen this show, you need to watch it. Abby Lee Miller is the woman who runs the dance school, and she is just horrendous. The way she treats those kids, and moms, is appalling. I have no idea how those mothers can keep taking their kids back there. One girl, Brooke 13, had a hip injury. Herr doctor told her not to dance on it and let it heal. But Abby Lee Miller (ABL) told her she needed to "grind it back into place." Which is what she did. and tried not to cry until she got off stage.

    Another gem from this show is the pyramid. Each week ABL gets the class together and reveal the pyramid.

The weeks best dancer, usually Mady, ABL's little pet, is at the top, and the worst dancer is at the bottom.

Here is just a little clip of the usual goings on with Dance Moms. This is why i'm scared of being a mother. there be some cray cray Mamas out there!

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