It's been a busy and exciting few days here. Tuesday was my last bunco for a while. I'n going to miss those chicks a lot! I always had such a great time each month, and as sad as it is, it is my only real interaction with the outside world sans munchkins.
Yesterday was Brad's last day of work, and we picked up the moving truck. That made it more real.
Today was Mylee's last day if school, which was pretty sad. We brought in cookies and all the kids in the class wrote her a letter, and the teacher turned it into a little book that she absolutely treasures. A few if the girls in her class want to be pen pals and some others said they are coming to visit.
In addition to all of that, our cat, Travis, had 6 kittens overnight. It's probably the last thing we need 2 days before we leave, but they are so cute and Mylee is so excited about them. So, we are packing then up and taking them with us. I'm hoping we will be able to find homes for all of them, but I have a a while to figure that out. Right now I just have to get them across the country.
Tomorrow we will continue to pack up the truck, hopefully get most of it packed up. Then we are heading over to Brad's grandparents house for dinner. Brad's dad and little brother will be in town from Arizona so we will visit with them a bit before we head to Oleary's to hangout and say goodbye to our friends. So come see us!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Monday, March 26, 2012
Let's see America Part 1
Our drive to Tennessee is going to be a long one, but we are hoping to stop and see some cool things along the way. I am so very excited to go to the Cadillac Ranch. I have been wanting to go there for years, and didn't even realize that we will be driving right through Amarillo where it is located. What is Cadillac Ranch you ask? Oh, I will tell you. Well, it art. There are a whole row of old school Caddys sticking up out of the ground. It is supposed to represent the evolution of the car line or something like that. I'm not totally 100% on that, but its something like that. People go out there and spray paint there name or artwork up there. It's pretty cool. Even though it doesn't really sound like it.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
T-minus 1 week
A week from now we will be on our cross country journey. The kids will be in Michigan visiting my family, which will be the farthest I've ever been away from those babies. The thought if that makes me sick, but, I'll just try not to think about that.
I'm excited. I really am. Even though it might not seem like it sometimes. I'm just worried about the actual move itself. If I could just wake up and have the kids and all of our stuff there, that would be the great. Everything costs just a little bit more than I thought, which is starting to add up. I'm sure we will be okay, we have always been okay, even if just barley. But I'm worried. I'm just a worrier by nature though. Our rent will be paid through the end of July, so even if we have to scrimp on the actual trip we will have a pretty decent buffer once we get there.
The drive will be about 2050 miles. That's a lot. Brad and I have never driven that far together, and I hope we make it out alive, and still married. We survived the horrid 26 hour train ride to Oregon, so that's a good sign... I hope. It will be nice to spend some time alone together. And I'm sure we will find some crazy stuff along the way. Crazy seems to be drawn to us.
Anyway, I did a good amount of packing today while Brad took Mylee to a friends birthday tea party. It looked like she had a lot of fun
I'm going to watch the celebrity apprentice, desperate housewives, and GCB now. My nerves/anxiety have got me not sleeping much these days. Have a great week y'-all! (see! I'll fit in just perfect in Nashville)
I'm excited. I really am. Even though it might not seem like it sometimes. I'm just worried about the actual move itself. If I could just wake up and have the kids and all of our stuff there, that would be the great. Everything costs just a little bit more than I thought, which is starting to add up. I'm sure we will be okay, we have always been okay, even if just barley. But I'm worried. I'm just a worrier by nature though. Our rent will be paid through the end of July, so even if we have to scrimp on the actual trip we will have a pretty decent buffer once we get there.
The drive will be about 2050 miles. That's a lot. Brad and I have never driven that far together, and I hope we make it out alive, and still married. We survived the horrid 26 hour train ride to Oregon, so that's a good sign... I hope. It will be nice to spend some time alone together. And I'm sure we will find some crazy stuff along the way. Crazy seems to be drawn to us.
Anyway, I did a good amount of packing today while Brad took Mylee to a friends birthday tea party. It looked like she had a lot of fun
I'm going to watch the celebrity apprentice, desperate housewives, and GCB now. My nerves/anxiety have got me not sleeping much these days. Have a great week y'-all! (see! I'll fit in just perfect in Nashville)
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Early Easter!
Today we went to Bakersfield to visit family celebrate birthdays and Easter, and see my extended family before the big move. It's a 2 hour drive which isn't too bad, but the kids always make it interesting. I'm pretty sure Little B cried at least half of the way. But once we got there everyone had a great time. It was the first time in quite a few years that my whole family was there. My mom AND my dad, which was really nice.
We did an egg hunt, which was B's first real chance to do that. Last year he was only a few weeks old so, so it was fun to watch him walk around and find the eggs. So that was fun, and Mylee just had a blast. It was a good day!

Then there was the infamous Egg Toss. We do it every year. What's more fun then throwing raw eggs at your loved ones? I can't think of many things. My Dad's cousin, Marc, ALWAYS wins. I can only remember one year where he didn't win, and we have done it for many many years. One of these times I'm going to beat him. This was the outcome of today's toss... Thanks Brad.
We also were able to get a picture of 5 generations all together. My Great Grandma, my Grandma AKA Bon Bon, my Dad, me and my kids. I thought it was pretty awesome
It was a good fun family day. I was sad that we were going to miss Easter with the families, but at least we got one! And to be honest I look forward to that damn egg toss all year long!
We did an egg hunt, which was B's first real chance to do that. Last year he was only a few weeks old so, so it was fun to watch him walk around and find the eggs. So that was fun, and Mylee just had a blast. It was a good day!

We also were able to get a picture of 5 generations all together. My Great Grandma, my Grandma AKA Bon Bon, my Dad, me and my kids. I thought it was pretty awesome
It was a good fun family day. I was sad that we were going to miss Easter with the families, but at least we got one! And to be honest I look forward to that damn egg toss all year long!
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Bubs and Gunkle waiting for the Egg Hunt to start |
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Bon-Bon's front yard was decked out with Easter Eggs! |
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The Poppy's are starting to bloom! |
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Mylee's friend Jionni came with us too! |
Friday, March 23, 2012
Happy Hunger Games
The Hubby and I went and saw the Hunger Games tonight. This movie is slated to be one of the biggest of the year. I read the first book of the series a couple weeks ago and ever since then I have been beyond excited to see the movie. The book was amazing. I couldn't put it down and finished the whole thing in a day. Something I have not been able to do since I had kids. I had to pawn one kid off on a grandma, and Brad was in charge of the little one. But it was mandatory. THAT'S how good the book is.
I always have a hard time deciding whether or not I like movies that were made from books. The book is always infinitely better than the movie, and this was no exception. I would have probably liked the movie a lot better if I hadn't read the book. It wasn't bad by any means, it just wasn't as good as the book. But, it never is. There were a few minor changes. Like, how Katniss gets the mockingjay pin. Not really a big change, but a change nonetheless. It also lacked a lot of detail that made the Games that much more exciting, and tragic. But, I suppose that putting all of that into a movie would make it 10 hours long.
While reading the book, I was Team Peeta, but after seeing the movie, I think I will hop on over to Team Gale. Seriously. I really liked Lenny Kravitz as Cinna, I thought that was a good fit. And Jennifer Lawrence was great as Katniss. Katniss' mother was played by Maureen Ashby, of Sons of Anarchy fame. She wasn't in the movie much, and was lacking her Irish accent, but I still liked seeing her in it.
Overall, I would recommend it. I think it is something that both men and woman would both enjoy, so make it a date night movie! I'm curious to see how much money this movie rakes in by the end of the weekend!
I always have a hard time deciding whether or not I like movies that were made from books. The book is always infinitely better than the movie, and this was no exception. I would have probably liked the movie a lot better if I hadn't read the book. It wasn't bad by any means, it just wasn't as good as the book. But, it never is. There were a few minor changes. Like, how Katniss gets the mockingjay pin. Not really a big change, but a change nonetheless. It also lacked a lot of detail that made the Games that much more exciting, and tragic. But, I suppose that putting all of that into a movie would make it 10 hours long.
While reading the book, I was Team Peeta, but after seeing the movie, I think I will hop on over to Team Gale. Seriously. I really liked Lenny Kravitz as Cinna, I thought that was a good fit. And Jennifer Lawrence was great as Katniss. Katniss' mother was played by Maureen Ashby, of Sons of Anarchy fame. She wasn't in the movie much, and was lacking her Irish accent, but I still liked seeing her in it.
Overall, I would recommend it. I think it is something that both men and woman would both enjoy, so make it a date night movie! I'm curious to see how much money this movie rakes in by the end of the weekend!
Team Gale or Team Peeta?
On another note, there are some really weird movies that get made. We save a preview for a movie called "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" Seriously... At first I was thinking, "Oh, cool, a movie about Lincoln." Then it just got weird... And weirder. And then it was SO weird that I figured that it had to be some kind of joke. Then the title appeared and I was just blown away. Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter. I don't even know what to say about that.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Officially old.
Yesterday was my birthday! I am 24 now, which I think officially means I am getting old. I feel like 23 is still young, but at 24, it's just all over. Officially old. But its ok, because I had a great day! I spent the morning with my munchkins, then had lunch with my mom, brother, and little beast at Hook Burger. It was pretty yummy. Jake had to go back to work since he is a fancy pants boss man now. My mom took me back home so little man could get a much needed nap, and my Dad stopped by and brought me a card and some money that bought me and my girl pedicures! I had never taken Mylee for a pedi before. In fact, I'm not sure that I have had one since she was born! Anyway, after dinner (PIZZA! my favorite!) we got matching real with white polka dots (her pick!) And it was so much fun. My super awesome hubby got me a chopper attachment thing for my kitchen aid, a new cutting board, a hand chopper, flip flops and tickets to the Hunger Games. All of which I was EXTREMELY excited about. So we get to have more birthday fun tomorrow at the movies. I have a feeling it is going to be hectic since this may be the most epic movie of all time, so we will see how it goes. All in all, this was probably the best birthday I have had in a while!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
The Situation has a situation.
The Situation is in rehab! Bet ya never saw that one coming right? It's not like he has been partying for 2 years straight or anything- oh... Wait...
Monday, March 19, 2012
MTV Announces season 6 of Jersey Shore!
It is a good day. MTV Announced that there will be a season 6 of one of the greatest shows of our time. That's right. Jersey Shore. I was kind of worried that there for a while. It will be filmed during the summer at the infamous Shore House, home of the Duck Phone. By that time Mama Snooks will be pretty far along in her pregnancy, so I am sure that will be interesting. I wonder if Jionni will be around more often and what the hell Snooki with herself since she wont be able to drink, smoke, or go on the rides on the boardwalk. I'm pretty sure all she has Jersey Shore are things you aren't supposed to do while you are pregnant. Also, is she still going to be in that tiny little bed shoved in the corner at J-WOW's feet? That wouldn't be my first choice of accommodations while pregnant, but I suppose that might change if I was making 100,000 dollars per episode.
Music Monday
I don't understand how people can claim to hate country music... They are liars. Or just plain stupid.
They said you ain't got a prayer
A chance in you know where
But I just didn't care when I looked in your eyes
You were a long shot from the start,
An easy way to break my heart
But as perfect as you are,
You gotta risk it all sometimes
I believe in the underdog,
Who chases dreams and breaks down walls
The shy kids who gets the prom queen,
Whose never been the star of anything
And those two lovers hitched at city hall
They've got each other so they've got it all
Call me a dreamer or say I'm a little naive,
Oh, but I believe in the underdog
We bought a 4-room fixer up,
On the side of town where times are tough
Short on cash, but a lot on love
Yeah, we sure showed it
Then you gave me our little man
So small he fit inside my hand
Two months early, two pounds
The tallest kid in third grade now
I believe in the underdog, Who chases dreams and breaks down walls
The shy kids who gets the prom queen,
Whose never been the star of anything
And those two lovers who kissed at city hall
They've got each other so they've got it all
Call me a dreamer or say I'm a little naive,
Oh, but I believe in the underdog
The banks still breathing down our necks
We're still living check to check
Girl, we dig deeper everyday
We still hit our knees and pray, we pray, we pray
Oh, I believe in the underdog,
Who chases dreams and breaks down walls
Oh, how a guy like me could get the prom queen,
I'd never been the star of anything
We were two lovers hitched at city hall
We've got each other so we've got it all
Call me a dreamer or say I'm a little naive,
Yeah, you can call me a dreamer or say I'm a little naive,
Oh, but I believe in the underdog
Oh in the underdog
I believe
Yeah, in the underdog
A chance in you know where
But I just didn't care when I looked in your eyes
You were a long shot from the start,
An easy way to break my heart
But as perfect as you are,
You gotta risk it all sometimes
I believe in the underdog,
Who chases dreams and breaks down walls
The shy kids who gets the prom queen,
Whose never been the star of anything
And those two lovers hitched at city hall
They've got each other so they've got it all
Call me a dreamer or say I'm a little naive,
Oh, but I believe in the underdog
We bought a 4-room fixer up,
On the side of town where times are tough
Short on cash, but a lot on love
Yeah, we sure showed it
Then you gave me our little man
So small he fit inside my hand
Two months early, two pounds
The tallest kid in third grade now
I believe in the underdog, Who chases dreams and breaks down walls
The shy kids who gets the prom queen,
Whose never been the star of anything
And those two lovers who kissed at city hall
They've got each other so they've got it all
Call me a dreamer or say I'm a little naive,
Oh, but I believe in the underdog
The banks still breathing down our necks
We're still living check to check
Girl, we dig deeper everyday
We still hit our knees and pray, we pray, we pray
Oh, I believe in the underdog,
Who chases dreams and breaks down walls
Oh, how a guy like me could get the prom queen,
I'd never been the star of anything
We were two lovers hitched at city hall
We've got each other so we've got it all
Call me a dreamer or say I'm a little naive,
Yeah, you can call me a dreamer or say I'm a little naive,
Oh, but I believe in the underdog
Oh in the underdog
I believe
Yeah, in the underdog
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Crunch time
Less than 2 weeks until we leave. It doesn't seem real. I can't wrap my head around the idea of living somewhere else. It's just weird. I'm completely overwhelmed and just want to wake up and everything be done, but that probably won't happen.
I hope we are doing the right thing. I feel like we are most of the time, but every once in a while, I just don't know. I just want Mylee to be ok. I just want US to be ok. Our parents do so much for us, but we are about to be 100% on our own. I hope we will be ok. We don't really have a choice, we HAVE to be ok. We are always ok...ish.
I hope we are doing the right thing. I feel like we are most of the time, but every once in a while, I just don't know. I just want Mylee to be ok. I just want US to be ok. Our parents do so much for us, but we are about to be 100% on our own. I hope we will be ok. We don't really have a choice, we HAVE to be ok. We are always ok...ish.
Happy Birthday Bradley
Yesterday was my son's first birthday. I can't believe he has been here with us for a whole year already. That doesn't seem possible. We didn't do anything big, with the moving coming up in 2 WEEKS that last thing I wanted to deal with was a birthday party. Mother of the Year, I know. But he's one. He has no idea whats going on. The small plans we did have, were slightly messed up by a ton of rain and mud. But it was still a fun time, and B got to destroy a cake of his very own.
This is the little cake that I made B. Which I though came out pretty cute, if I do say so myself. Especially considering how horrendous it looked before I got the green on it. Luckily it was supposed to be a monster, so the fact that it was all lop-sided and weird didn't stand out so much.
So now, my Bradley is one year old. Technically not even considered a baby anymore. He is a toddler now. He is such a sweet little dude. He smiles constantly, and has the cutest little dimples you have ever seen. He makes people smile everywhere he goes, and he is just an easy baby. He is running all over the place now, and just learned how to climb up on to the couch. He loves to wack things with drumsticks (including people's heads) He loves his sister SO much, and also working out in the yard with his RaRa (and ice cream sandwiches too). He is destructive too. He can break just about anything you put in front of him, which as you can imagine, is a good time.
This is the little cake that I made B. Which I though came out pretty cute, if I do say so myself. Especially considering how horrendous it looked before I got the green on it. Luckily it was supposed to be a monster, so the fact that it was all lop-sided and weird didn't stand out so much.
He really enjoyed destroying that cake... And growling at it.
So now, my Bradley is one year old. Technically not even considered a baby anymore. He is a toddler now. He is such a sweet little dude. He smiles constantly, and has the cutest little dimples you have ever seen. He makes people smile everywhere he goes, and he is just an easy baby. He is running all over the place now, and just learned how to climb up on to the couch. He loves to wack things with drumsticks (including people's heads) He loves his sister SO much, and also working out in the yard with his RaRa (and ice cream sandwiches too). He is destructive too. He can break just about anything you put in front of him, which as you can imagine, is a good time.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Nashville News: All Systems a Go!
Our apartment will be ready April 1st. THIS
April. Like, 18 days from right now. I’m excited, happy, sad, terrified, and
anxious all at the same time. This is real now! Brad even put in his 2 weeks
notice at his work today. He is sad about that. He works with some great people
and this is the first job he has actually liked and didn’t dread going to
I am SO looking forward to doubling the size of our home. We
outgrew our current house, and it seems to just get smaller and smaller by the
day. And 3 bedrooms. That is going to make my life SO much easier. Right now
the kids are sharing a room, and it isn’t really working. He needs darkness to
sleep, she needs a light. He wakes up the slightest sound, and she is a
trasher. I’m so excited to decorate a little boy and a little girl room, as
well as a room for us (for me really. Brad always just wants to get everything
in black), which WILL be void of any kid crap. I MIGHT even have room to set up
my cricut and other craft stuff and make some kick ass crafts that I have
pinned on Pinterest. And closets! We have no closets now, and let me tell you,
I never realized the importance of closets before now. But I will miss this
place and all of the craziness that comes along with it. There is quite a bit
of it.
So now, plan out the move and start packing. I packed park
of my couponing stockpile so far… That’s about it! I have this problem, and
when I feel like I have too much to do, and don’t know where to start, I just
don’t do anything. I keep telling myself tomorrow, in an hour, tonight,
whatever I have to tell myself to get out of it. The baby is asleep and Mylee
is at school, so I should be utilizing this time, but I’m updating my blog and
watching Secret Life of the American Teenager instead. I’m not sure what my
next excuse will be yet. But, we really don’t have much time. Brad works during
the week, and I am either driving all over dropping off and picking up all day,
or home with the kids who can unpack twice as fast as I can pack. This Saturday
is our little guys first birthday! So we won’t get anything done that day. I
want to go to the Natural History Museum in LA in the morning, and then we will
let him destroy a cake and do presents with the family. Next weekend we are
going to Bakersfield to visit my
family before we go, so there is another weekend day where we won’t be able to
do much. The following weekend is moving weekend. Holy sweet Jesus. That will
be here before I know it. We will get it done! I hope.
Brad and I are planning to leave on Sunday the 1st,
and my mom will fly out with the kids on Thursday or Friday. That will be the
longest, and farthest I have ever been away from my kids and I am super nervous
about that. Just mentioning that the kids will be flying in an airplane sends
Brad into a panic attack, but, it is what we have to do I guess. I am looking
forward to a sort of vacation with Brad. Once we move, we won’t have
babysitters at our disposal, so it might be the last break we get for a
So, we will be in our new home, in our new apartment by
Easter. Crazy! Somewhere in the midst of all the moving stuff, I have to get
Easter baskets ready! But I love Easter. It's one of my favorite holidays, so I will figure out something fun. Ugh. But this year it ill be lacking Mema's breakfast...bummer!
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Cool Trick, Cool Trick! Mom Edition
I stumbled across a super tutorial on Pinterest recently, and it has been a HUGE hit with my kids! Frozen Yogurt Bites! They are healthy, and way easy. It is the only way I can get my 1 year old, who insists on feeding himself to eat yogurt. I suggest all you moms give it a whirl.
Step 1. Cookie Sheet
Step 2. Yogurt. I had Gogurt in my refrigerator already, so I just used that, but any kid of yogurt can be used. If you use yogurt that comes in a cup, spoon it into a ziplock bag, and snip off one of the corners. Since gogurt already comes in a bag, I just snipped the corner off of that.
Step 3. Squeeze little dots of yogurt out onto the cookie sheet.
Step 4, 5, & 6. Pop the cookie sheet into the freezer for about an hour. When they are frozen, use a spatula to pop them off of the cookie sheet. Eat some, throw some in a ziplock and keep them in the freezer!
Step 1. Cookie Sheet
Step 2. Yogurt. I had Gogurt in my refrigerator already, so I just used that, but any kid of yogurt can be used. If you use yogurt that comes in a cup, spoon it into a ziplock bag, and snip off one of the corners. Since gogurt already comes in a bag, I just snipped the corner off of that.
Step 3. Squeeze little dots of yogurt out onto the cookie sheet.
Step 4, 5, & 6. Pop the cookie sheet into the freezer for about an hour. When they are frozen, use a spatula to pop them off of the cookie sheet. Eat some, throw some in a ziplock and keep them in the freezer!
Friday, March 9, 2012
Mommy Guilt
Things are moving forward with our Nashville plans, and I am getting more nervous, and scared. I just really hope that is the right thing for us. Everyone has been so supportive of us, and all of the "signs" seem to be pointing us in that direction. But I still sit up at night, most nights, and stress about it. I just hope that Mylee is okay. I feel so guilty taking her away from everything and everyone that she knows it almost unbearable. She says she doesn't want to move already. I am so scared that when it actually comes down to it, it's going to get much much worse for her. I can't stand the thought of my daughter being sad like that. And I am the one doing it to her, which makes it so, so much worse. To make matters worse, her cat is pregnant. We got this cat thinking it was a boy, but turns out it is NOT. So that's another issue. I'm pretty sure she will have the kittens before we go, but we can't move across the country with tiny little kittens, and they wont be old enough to leave the Mama cat yet either. So I don't know what we will do, but Mylee wants to live with the kittens. And then there is Little Bradley. He doesn't know whats going on, and he will be happy no matter here he is. He is such a sweet little happy guy. But he won't remember anyone. And THAT breaks my heart. I want him to know the people that love him, and the people that I love.
I signed up for a Mom's group in the Nashville area that has meetups regularly at fun places around town. Once we get there I plan on going to some of those so Mylee can make some new friends. And I guess it would be nice to have some friends myself. I don't really fit in with other moms for the most part, but maybe that ill be different out there. Hopefully.
But Anyway.. Today is my mom's birthday, so we are headed out to lunch with her soon. Tomorrow we are going to go hangout at Lake Casitas with our friends for the day. Hopefully that doesn't make me even more sad about leaving. I'm sure it will.
Little B had his 1 year old pictures done this week, and he is just so cute and sweet.
I signed up for a Mom's group in the Nashville area that has meetups regularly at fun places around town. Once we get there I plan on going to some of those so Mylee can make some new friends. And I guess it would be nice to have some friends myself. I don't really fit in with other moms for the most part, but maybe that ill be different out there. Hopefully.
But Anyway.. Today is my mom's birthday, so we are headed out to lunch with her soon. Tomorrow we are going to go hangout at Lake Casitas with our friends for the day. Hopefully that doesn't make me even more sad about leaving. I'm sure it will.
Little B had his 1 year old pictures done this week, and he is just so cute and sweet.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
The Voice- The Battle Rounds Pt. 1
Love The Voice! It's way better than American Idol and all of the other shows like it. I'm not sure what happened to last years winner. But really no one gets famous from the those shows anymore. They get their 15 minutes and they are forgotten.
Last night was the first night of the "Battle Rounds" Each team sends up 2 of their own members at a time to sing a song chosen by their coach. They make it into a duet and their coach has to decide which one to keep and which one to send home. Sometimes it's obvious, sometimes it's not, sometimes it's like "WTF! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"
1. Xtina was wearing some funky spaceship looking thing on her head. I dont know what the deal with that was, but it was weird.
2. When did Jewel get her teeth fixed?
3. Carson Daly... I don't know what to say about him, but I feel like something should be said.. Let's just put a pin in it.
First up, was Adams team. Tony from the Mickey Mouse club and Red Pants Chris. They sang U2's Beautiful Day, and it was a pretty good performance. I thought that vocally it was pretty close, but Tony was my favorite. Chris was a little too cheesy for my liking, and I wasn't digging the red pant situation. Cee Lo thought that Tony had taken it, as did Xtina (obviously. she couldn't vote against a Mickey Mouse Alumn with a super adorable kid in the crowd who had a shocking resemblence to Teen Mom 2's Aubree) Blake gave it to Chris, but ultimatley it was in Adam's hands and Tony advanced to the next round. Chris was the cutest loser ever and I felt a little bad for making fun of his red pants.
Next up, Team Blake! (Love Love Love him) Adley, a pretty tough lookin chick, and Raelyn, a super cute 17 year old pixie of a girl, who looked like she was going to pee her pants, throw up, and pass out, all at once (and also got to hangout with Miranda Lambert. That lucky bitch) They sang Tom Petty's Free Fallin'. I really wasn't impressed with this performance at all. I think that Adley is good, but nothing extrordinary, and Raelyn has a more unique, Dolly Partonish sound, but didn't give a great performance. Xtina and Cee Lo both gave it to Adley but Adam went with Raelyn, but i'm sure that was just a pity vote because he didn't want to break that little girls heart. Shockingly Blake went with Raelyn too! I liked her personality a lot better than Adley, but Adley had a better performance. So, I don't know if Blake sees someting special in her, or if this is all just a strategic move.
Christina's Team went third. Opra Chris, and Monique- Betty Boop. Chris played the dead mommy card, and they sand The Power of Love. They both were good, but again, wasnt blown away by the performance. BettyBoop was super theatrical with her performance and I think Broadway style performing might be more her style. Opra Chris advances to the next round
Team Cee Lo put two catty bitches head to head. Staff Sargent Angie, who is a wench and already thinks she is famous. YouTube famous. She rubbed me the wrong way and I didn't like her. Her opponent, Cheesa (Brad's favorite so far) was also bitchy, but I didnt hate her as much. They argued about what key to sing the song in, and end up singing it in a key that is hard for Cheesa to hit, but she nailed it and sounded great and advanced to the next round
Team Adam and Team Blake both went again, but I had lost interest at the point. It was TOO long! But it seems to be that all of the coaches are being a lot more choosey and making some odd choices that I can only guess have to be part of some bigger plan to win in the end. I am also curious if the coach wins anything. But, I doubt that they need any incentive. I'm sure bragging rights are enough to that crew
Last night was the first night of the "Battle Rounds" Each team sends up 2 of their own members at a time to sing a song chosen by their coach. They make it into a duet and their coach has to decide which one to keep and which one to send home. Sometimes it's obvious, sometimes it's not, sometimes it's like "WTF! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"
1. Xtina was wearing some funky spaceship looking thing on her head. I dont know what the deal with that was, but it was weird.
2. When did Jewel get her teeth fixed?
3. Carson Daly... I don't know what to say about him, but I feel like something should be said.. Let's just put a pin in it.
First up, was Adams team. Tony from the Mickey Mouse club and Red Pants Chris. They sang U2's Beautiful Day, and it was a pretty good performance. I thought that vocally it was pretty close, but Tony was my favorite. Chris was a little too cheesy for my liking, and I wasn't digging the red pant situation. Cee Lo thought that Tony had taken it, as did Xtina (obviously. she couldn't vote against a Mickey Mouse Alumn with a super adorable kid in the crowd who had a shocking resemblence to Teen Mom 2's Aubree) Blake gave it to Chris, but ultimatley it was in Adam's hands and Tony advanced to the next round. Chris was the cutest loser ever and I felt a little bad for making fun of his red pants.
Next up, Team Blake! (Love Love Love him) Adley, a pretty tough lookin chick, and Raelyn, a super cute 17 year old pixie of a girl, who looked like she was going to pee her pants, throw up, and pass out, all at once (and also got to hangout with Miranda Lambert. That lucky bitch) They sang Tom Petty's Free Fallin'. I really wasn't impressed with this performance at all. I think that Adley is good, but nothing extrordinary, and Raelyn has a more unique, Dolly Partonish sound, but didn't give a great performance. Xtina and Cee Lo both gave it to Adley but Adam went with Raelyn, but i'm sure that was just a pity vote because he didn't want to break that little girls heart. Shockingly Blake went with Raelyn too! I liked her personality a lot better than Adley, but Adley had a better performance. So, I don't know if Blake sees someting special in her, or if this is all just a strategic move.
Christina's Team went third. Opra Chris, and Monique- Betty Boop. Chris played the dead mommy card, and they sand The Power of Love. They both were good, but again, wasnt blown away by the performance. BettyBoop was super theatrical with her performance and I think Broadway style performing might be more her style. Opra Chris advances to the next round
Team Cee Lo put two catty bitches head to head. Staff Sargent Angie, who is a wench and already thinks she is famous. YouTube famous. She rubbed me the wrong way and I didn't like her. Her opponent, Cheesa (Brad's favorite so far) was also bitchy, but I didnt hate her as much. They argued about what key to sing the song in, and end up singing it in a key that is hard for Cheesa to hit, but she nailed it and sounded great and advanced to the next round
Team Adam and Team Blake both went again, but I had lost interest at the point. It was TOO long! But it seems to be that all of the coaches are being a lot more choosey and making some odd choices that I can only guess have to be part of some bigger plan to win in the end. I am also curious if the coach wins anything. But, I doubt that they need any incentive. I'm sure bragging rights are enough to that crew
Monday, March 5, 2012
Sheeeee's Baaack
They only managed to cage the beast that is Jenelle Evans for a few hours. She posted the $1,000 dollar bail and is back to roam the streets and cyberstalk the Dufster
Teen Mom Jenelle BACK in jail!
I've lost track of how many times Jenelle has gotten arrested. But I think it is 3 times for 2012 alone. This time she was picked up on Cyber Stalking charges. She has been harassing some guy named Duffy something or another for a while now after he released pictures of her partying it up. This girl has more issues than Vogue.
In related news, Whitney from the 1st season of 16 and pregnant (The one who's baby has some health issues) was arrested at Walmart for stealing a pregnancy test and taking it in the bathroom of the store. Her attempts to take a test without anyone knowing failed pretty miserably... And she says she is NOT pregnant. Let take a moment and thank the Good Lord for that one.
In related news, Whitney from the 1st season of 16 and pregnant (The one who's baby has some health issues) was arrested at Walmart for stealing a pregnancy test and taking it in the bathroom of the store. Her attempts to take a test without anyone knowing failed pretty miserably... And she says she is NOT pregnant. Let take a moment and thank the Good Lord for that one.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Purrfect the Cat
So I have been wondering for a couple weeks now what the deal with Cee Lo's giant fluffy white cat was on The Voice. I seriously can't help but laugh everytime he is giving his interviews the just sits their a somewhat evil looking cat. It's just weird. The cat's name is Purrfect. I'm not sure if it's a he or she. But I do wonder where the cat is while the contestants are on stage. And also, does he really bring the cat to and from work everyday? Orr does it just live at the studio? If it does go back and forth does it go crazy in the car on the way to the studio everyday? Does it have its own dressing room? Who cleans its liter box? I would really like some answers to these questions.
Cee Lo- Please get back to me about this.
Cee Lo- Please get back to me about this.
A Review or Two
Friday night I had a date with the cutest girl inthe whole wide world! We went to the movies an Surf n Yogurt, and I had a blast with her. We don't do things just the 2 of us very often. SHE is the one that usually insists on bringing her baby brother, but I think that I should make sure we do it more often anyway. She is just to dang funny! We saw THE LORAX! I was scared that it might make Dr. Seuss roll over in his grave. On his birthday nonetheless. But, I really enjoyed it. It stayed pretty true to the story. Of course a lot had to be ade to make it full lenth movie, but it went well with the story. There were few phrases that were not sid in the movie, which bummed me out. CRUMMIES IN TUMMIES! And I'm also pretty sure that they called the Brown Barbaloots, simply "Bears" which they most certainly are not! But other than those gross injustices, it ws a cute movie. The colors an the scenery were pretty amazing. The Truffula trees, the Once-ler's Lerkim (I don't think that there was any metnion of the Lerkim either) and the desctruction caused by the Once-ler was exactly what the pictures in the book, and in my head look like. The music was pretty catchy. I would be able to tolerate the soundtrack for while before I wanted to shoot myself, which is NOT the case for many other movies. I also think that this movie has great message. One bigger thatn Princesses, and Prince Chrming talking animals and inatimate objects coming to life. It has a REAL message.
Overall I would give it 4 out of 5 stars *****
Here is my little movie date with her post Loraz Frozen Yogurt!
Just to get sappy for a minute, everytime she recognized a line, or something from the book she would look at me and smile so big. It made me tear up a few times. I love that she loves what I love. And I can't believe how big she is. She is isn't a baby at all anymore.
The rest of my weekend was pretty much consumed by the book The Hunger Games. I have heard great things about it for a while now, and was very intrigued by the movie trailer, so I put it on my Kindle. Once I started reading, I just couldn't stop. It's one of those books. I haven't come across one of those in quite a while. My husband, who isn't much of a reader unless it is the Zombie Apocolypse Guide to Survival, or The Guiness Book of World records he just isn't into it. But he made sure that I give him the play by play of this book as read it. It's about a futuristic country called Panem that use to be North America. It is divided into 12 Districts and governened by the Capitol. Every year Panem holds festival or sorts called The Hunger Games. Every child aged 12-18 is entered to compete in the games. A boy and a girl from each District are selected to represent their District. The winner gets money (which most everyboy is lacking) fame, and most importantly food. And oh yeah, they get to live.. It's great, and an easy read. I HIGHLY recommend it. Now I am starting book 2 and super pumped for the movie to come out later this month.
This book gets 5 out of 5 stars *****
Thursday, March 1, 2012
The Lorax (He speaks for the trees!)
One of my favorite books of all time is The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. I can pretty much recite the whole book by heart, and I am very proud to say that it is one of my daughters favorites too. For some reason, this book wasn't the most popular Dr. Seuss book, lots of people had never even heard of it, so it was my gift of choice to children's birthday parties. But, that is about to change. Tomorrow, which is also Dr. Seuss' birthday, the movie version of The Lorax comes out, and features the voices of Taylor Swift, Zac Efron, and Danny Devito as The Lorax. I don't think that would have been my choice, but I don't think that it is a terrible choice either. I'm going to take Mylee to see it sometime this weekend (hopefully tomorrow) and we will see if it cuts the mustard. If not, I will be ranting.. Big time.
Words of wisdom from Dr. Seuss
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