Thursday, March 29, 2012

Gettin' Goin'

It's been a busy and exciting few days here. Tuesday was my last bunco for a while. I'n going to miss those chicks a lot! I always had such a great time each month, and as sad as it is, it is my only real interaction with the outside world sans munchkins.

 Yesterday was Brad's last day of work, and we picked up the moving truck. That made it more real.
 Today was Mylee's last day if school, which was pretty sad. We brought in cookies and all the kids in the class wrote her a letter, and the teacher turned it into a little book that she absolutely treasures. A few if the girls in her class want to be pen pals and some others said they are coming to visit.

In addition to all of that, our cat, Travis, had 6 kittens overnight. It's probably the last thing we need 2 days before we leave, but they are so cute and Mylee is so excited about them. So, we are packing then up and taking them with us. I'm hoping we will be able to find homes for all of them, but I have a a while to figure that out. Right now I just have to get them across the country.

Tomorrow we will continue to pack up the truck, hopefully get most of it packed up. Then we are heading over to Brad's grandparents house for dinner. Brad's dad and little brother will be in town from Arizona so we will visit with them a bit before we head to Oleary's to hangout and say goodbye to our friends. So come see us!

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