Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Review or Two

Friday night I had a date with the cutest girl inthe whole wide world! We went to the movies an Surf n Yogurt, and I had a blast with her. We don't do things just the 2 of us very often. SHE is the one that usually insists on bringing her baby brother, but I think that I should make sure we do it more often anyway. She is just to dang funny! We saw THE LORAX! I was scared that it might make Dr. Seuss roll over in his grave. On his birthday nonetheless. But, I really enjoyed it. It stayed pretty true to the story. Of course a lot had to be ade to make it  full lenth movie, but it went well with the story. There were  few phrases that were not sid in the movie, which bummed me out. CRUMMIES IN TUMMIES! And I'm also pretty sure that they called the Brown Barbaloots, simply "Bears" which they most certainly are not! But other than those gross injustices, it ws a cute movie. The colors an the scenery were pretty amazing. The Truffula trees, the Once-ler's Lerkim (I don't think that there was any metnion of the Lerkim either) and the desctruction caused by the Once-ler was exactly what the pictures in the book, and in my head look like. The music was pretty catchy. I would be able to tolerate the soundtrack for while before I wanted to shoot myself, which is NOT the case for many other movies. I also think that this movie has  great message. One bigger thatn Princesses, and Prince Chrming talking animals and inatimate objects coming to life. It has a REAL message.

Overall I would give it 4 out of 5 stars *****

Here is my little movie date with her post Loraz Frozen Yogurt!

Just to get sappy for a minute, everytime she recognized a line, or something from the book she would look at me and smile so big. It made me tear up a few times. I love that she loves what I love. And I can't believe how big she is. She is isn't a baby at all anymore.


The rest of my weekend was pretty much consumed by the book The Hunger Games. I have heard great things about it for a while now, and was very intrigued by the movie trailer, so I put it on my Kindle. Once I started reading, I just couldn't stop. It's one of those books. I haven't come across one of those in quite a while. My husband, who isn't much of a  reader unless it is the Zombie Apocolypse Guide to Survival, or The Guiness Book of World records he just isn't into it. But he made sure that I give him the play by play of this book as read it. It's about a futuristic country called Panem that use to be North America. It is divided into 12 Districts and governened by the Capitol. Every year Panem holds  festival or sorts called The Hunger Games. Every child aged 12-18 is entered to compete in the games. A boy and a girl from each District are selected to represent their District. The winner gets money (which most everyboy is lacking) fame, and most importantly food. And oh yeah, they get to live.. It's great, and an easy read. I HIGHLY recommend it. Now I am starting book 2 and super pumped for the movie to come out later this month.

This book gets 5 out of 5 stars *****

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