Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Bradley

Yesterday was my son's first birthday. I can't believe he has been here with us for a whole year already. That doesn't seem possible. We didn't do anything big, with the moving coming up in 2 WEEKS that last thing I wanted to deal with was a birthday party. Mother of the Year, I know. But he's one. He has no idea whats going on. The small plans we did have, were slightly messed up by a ton of rain and mud. But it was still a fun time, and B got to destroy a cake of his very own.

  This is the little cake that I made B. Which I though came out pretty cute, if I do say so myself. Especially considering how horrendous it looked before I got the green on it. Luckily it was supposed to be a monster, so the fact that it was all lop-sided and weird didn't stand out so much.

He really enjoyed destroying that cake... And growling at it.

So now, my Bradley is one year old. Technically not even considered a baby anymore. He is a toddler now. He is such a sweet little dude. He smiles constantly, and has the cutest little dimples you have ever seen. He makes people smile everywhere he goes, and he is just an easy baby. He is running all over the place now, and just learned how to climb up on to the couch. He loves to wack things with drumsticks (including people's heads) He loves his sister SO much, and also working out in the yard with his RaRa (and ice cream sandwiches too). He is destructive too. He can break just about anything you put in front of him, which as you can imagine, is a good time.


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